Where is Power Gym located?
Power Gym can be found between Kouvola and Kuusankoski with good transport connections, at Tommolankatu 18, 45130 Kouvola, and the Motonet store operates in the same premises.
We certainly have enough parking space and the parking spaces are free for our customers
Can I explore Power Gym before I decide on membership?
Yes, you can, just download the POWER GYM App to your phone and redeem a week of familiarization or even a one-time pass.
The POWER GYM app now acts as your gym card.
When I join as a customer, when will I be able to train?
The easiest way to acquire a customer relationship is to download the POWER GYM App to your phone from the app store and select the desired membership from the app, after which the Power Gym App will act as your gym card and you can start training right away.
If I buy a one-time visit or a 10x card online, can I start training right away?
Yes, you can! The easiest way to get a one-time visit or 10x card or any membership is to download the POWER GYM App to your phone from the app store and select the desired membership in the app, after which the Power Gym App will act as your gym card and you can start training right away. You can easily see the remaining visits in the app.
Can I pay with cash or sports benefits?
Now you can also pay with exercise money directly at the checkout of the online store!
- Download the Power Gym app from the app store and register
- Log in to the app and open the online store
- Select the desired product from the online store and transfer it to the shopping cart
- Follow the instructions for the online store
- Choose E-passi / Smartum as the payment method and proceed to pay (you can pay the difference in the online store if the exercise allowance is not enough for the purchase)
The online store will automatically direct you to the E-passport / Smartum service for payment confirmation. After accepting the payment, the page will redirect you back to the online store and the membership you purchased will be available to you immediately. Convenient, right?
Is there an age limit for Power Gym?
The minimum age is 15 years. Remember that everyone training in Power Gym must have their own personal membership card.
A minor can become a member on the website using the contact information of a guardian, after joining we must be notified by email (kouvola@powergym.fi) of the underage user's information and personal identity codes.
Can I take a break from my Power Gym membership?
Breaks are possible only due to pregnancy, military or serious illness. For more information, please contact kouvola@powergym.fi
Can I come and train with a friend?
Certainly! Ask your friend to download the POWER GYM mobile app to their phone, from where they can redeem a one-time visit to the gym, after which the app will act as a gym card. We also always have a FRIEND campaign. For each friend who joins our gym, you will receive 4 weeks of free gym time for yourself. When a friend redeems your membership, ask them to enter your name in the referral field to get the benefit. Your friend can easily redeem the membership with the POWER GYM app.
Olen uusi jäsen kuntosalilla, saanko harjoitteluun apua?
Yes, you can! Simply redeem the free training program when making your purchase, and if you need help with the techniques and equipment guidance, choose the 9.90 euro device guide when making your purchase.